Monday, February 9, 2009

Introducing Google Earth 5.0


On February 2, 2009, Google Inc. announced the release of its newest version of Google Earth, highlighting the Ocean in Google Earth feature that allows Google Earth users to explore the ocean’s underwater terrain in 3D, much like they can explore the earth’s terrain. In addition, Google introduced Historical Imagery, a feature that allows users to view archived satellite images and see terrain the way it looked a decade ago. It also mentions two other new features, Touring, which allows users to create a narrated tour in Google Earth, and Google Mars 3D, which features terrain images from the planet Mars.

The release briefly mentions a quote from Al Gore, who attended the launch event at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco. The release goes on to mention the benefits of the Ocean in Google Earth and Historical Imagery features and how they will enable users to discover how the earth and its oceans have changed overtime. More quotes from Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google, and John Hanke, Director of Google Earth and Maps, elaborate on how this program will illustrate to its users how the harmful pollutants in our earth negatively impact the oceans and its inhabitants, due to the actions of human beings. Google Earth will bring about awareness and inspiration to what is happening to our planet.

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